Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Phuc up post

It's been a month since last post..fast eh? Zero fares did not excite me..HAHA..believe it or not? You know why? Because i've already got my Seoul tickets last week! CHISIN OK!! i think im chisin seriously..it wasn't super duper cheap..but hey 560 is a good deal rite? I love my girls!! muakxx!!

I wanted to tell you what sentences i heard most last week:

1st) When are you getting married?

2nd) You are super rich!

First statement, explain no more........i know you guys has been waiting....but since when i become a celebrity that everyone is chasing me with this question?? I'm totally sick of it..if you r my best friend, please do me a favor for not REPEATING THIS PHUCKING QUESTION TQVM! I will send u invitations WHEN I'M REALLY GETTING MARRIED!

Secondly, I'm not rich but i have money that i save it with swt n tears! Frequent flyer doesn't mean they are rich rite? Just because i'm flying quite often doesn't mean i uber rich OK! Have u guys tot about where you've spend your money? Like paying loans, houses,cars, gf/bfs, gadgets, handbags wtf! So if u own an expensive camera , buy your gf/bf expensive gifts or own a few property this is consider not a rich person? Oh well..flying means rich..i got ur meaning..so let's continue saying i'm rich u fool!

OK I'm fucking tired now..good nite!


mosquitomunZ said...

I would ask you, when will be your next return to Jap...muahaha...
good night dear....

Epizoit~ said...

U still RICH arr !!! wahahah

fayyong said...

i hate u fatty!